Doctors, X-Rays, Travel and Flying Monkeys

Greeting and Salutations Faithful Stapleton Blog Readers!

Well it’s a week after the wreck and Jess is moving better but is still no where near being well. (In fact she even gave her flying monkeys another week off) We went to another Doctor today and he took several more x-rays and started Jess on some therapy. He also took her off work for another week which just stresses her out, that in addition to the fact that she was supposed to start back to school last Tuesday. Tomorrow we should have some more findings to help develop a course of action to get Jess back into fighting trim.

She continues to be in a lot of pain and discomfort. A little prayer in our general direction would not be turned away. Starting tomorrow I am back on the road and have a lot of windshield time coming up. This will be a mixture of overnights and day trips. The next 60 days will be the busiest period of travel since I joined the company 3 years ago. Needless to say a lot is going on at the Stapleton Mansion.

For those of you who are asking Jake what happened to the car? Well my estimating abilities remain in good standing; I only missed the amount by about $150. The total damage is a little over $6800.00, hopefully the car was moved down to Graley’s this afternoon to undergo surgery.

That’s it for this update good night folks!

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