Greetings and Salutations Faithful Stapleton Blog Readers
I hope this entry finds everyone doing well. It was an eventful week at the Stapleton household. On Easter Sunday, Jess went to church for the first time since the wreck. Even though we took ice packs, the angle of the pew really did a number on her back. But I was glad she got to go to worship especially on Easter. After I got Jess home from the early service, Mom called me to take Laura to the ER. She continued to feel worse all day last Saturday and still looked like death. Laura was seen by the urgent care part of the St. Mary’s ER and was given a course of antibiotics. I got her prescription filled and took her home to settle in. Later on Eater Sunday we went to Jess’s grandparents’ for Easter Dinner.
Jess continues to attend therapy several times a week and is improving gradually. Our appointment with the pain management specialist is on Thursday. We are really hoping he will be able to help. Monday will be 11 weeks since the wreck and Jess is still not back to work. She had been waiting for a return call from her office to discuss returning to work part time (no more than 4 hours per day – and that was pushing her doctor’s orders) for the foreseeable future and gradually return to full time as she continues to recover. Mainstream Services declined the offer for part time work and released Jess from her position. The reason given was that since Jess is unable to return to work full time by April 8th, they could not hold a position for her. We completely understand that there is a business decision to be made here. However, it seems that for an agency whose only purpose is to accommodate and support people with disabilities, this seems particularly cold. Especially since Jess was trying to come back half time and the accident occurred while conducting work travel. There are a lot of bad things that I could say right now and I am certainly thinking them; but in the spirit of being good Christians, let’s just say we are disappointed.
There is also the possibility that Jess is going to have to take an incomplete for one of her classes this semester because she has to administer educational testing and has not been able to do so. It is an on-campus class that she has yet to make it to, but the professor has been very understanding.
So Jess now has the title of FTSSHPPM
Full Time Student Stay at Home Petey & Phoebe Mom
Wouldn’t you know my luck I finally get a full time housewife and she is too injured to wait on me hand and foot. I just can’t get a break!
As for me I had a good week. I made several customer calls this and signed a HUGE deal while at the same time kicking a competitor out of the bank!
(I have just been informed by my wife that many people may not get the reference above and think that I had a spasm of pain while typing. To properly understand the comment below you will have to picture me in a pirate hat. Thank you.)
I will be busy over the next 2 weeks trying to get a lot of things in motion and projects started before I head back out for more travel. Lawn maintenance has already started for the year. I actually had to mow the upper half of my backyard last week. This was a byproduct of Petey’s excellent winter fertilization techniques. That’s just about all – it was a slow news week.
That’s the news and I am outta here!
keep us posted on how the back is. did she go to the pain dr. today?
Yes he did Kathy. She had been prescribed a medication regiment that we hope will mitigate her pain without making her sleepy or loopy. If this works she should be able to start move around enough to build back up to doing normal activities. We will have to wait about a week and see how it goes.