Greetings & Salutations Faithful Stapleton Blog Readers!
Just wanted to give everyone a quick update on Petey’s procedure just in case you don’t follow my twitters. Petey is doing very well although he is still drugged out of his mind.
Petey has been having several ear infections of late and the vet thought it would be best to clean out out both his middle ear areas. So Jess took Petey in this morning for the procedure and a teeth cleaning (might as well make the most of him being put under). After the teeth cleaning the vet did an Endoscopic procedure on Petey’s ears.
It turns out that the infection inside the ear was so bad that both ear drums had to be ruptured for a complete cleaning. It will take about a week for Petey’s ears to heal and during that time he will only hear very muffled sounds. However on the bright side he did receive a clean bill health and is expected to make a full recovery.
Ruptured right ear after the cleaning
Ruptured left ear after the cleaning
There was so much pressure in his left ear that once the incision was made it basically “blew out”. The incision made by the vet was only about 1/4 the size of the hole you see in the picture.
Petey on drugs
I swear to you this is not a photo shop. We believe that so far he has chaired several meetings with the Care Bears and it looks like a busy night ahead.