Greetings and Salutations Faithful Stapleton Blog Readers
It appears that I have let the blog go slightly stale again but not too much. Kind of like eating bread that is just 2 days out of date but still looks good. As opposed to eating bread a week out of date with mold on it.
Let’s see what has been going on since the last update. On June 8th we had the annual family reunion at Cedar Lakes. The attendance was pretty good it was a little hot however. Jess didn’t make it because of a migraine and that bummed her out she really wanted to go. But all in all a good time was had by all.
(See pictures of happy family below.)
My next week was spent on the road doing customer calls and conducting a user group meeting. The last 2 weeks of June were spent in the old home office doing software testing for a major release. If you have never performed software testing let me describe it to you this way. Imagine repeatingly poking your own eye out with a hot poker, realizing you have put on lawn aeration spike shoes in the wrong direction, while simultaneously receiving a prostate exam. Sure the job is needed and necessary but it is painful to endure.
There was a bright spot to my testing weeks. I helped Jess’s dad remodel a kitchen in one of his rental units. Just the kind of job I like. Lots of demolition, absolutely no straight walls, and we did not have to do the finish work. I ended up the month of June with starting a massive conversion at one of my banks on June 30th. The customer is happy but I am not satisfied at this point. I think that several more things need to fall consistently into place before I feel like I can walk away from this one. If you looked at my twitters at all this week you know what I talking about.
On the Mrs. Stapleton front we continue to progress with her recovery and the search for work. A lot of people ask me how she feels and all I can say is she has good days and bad days. Fortunately there are a lot more good days than bad days. So if I respond to you this way please do not think that I am blowing you off; there just is not a better way to describe it. She continues to be treated twice a week at Davis Chiropractic and sees her pain management doctor about every 4 weeks. The non-narcotic cocktail that he has her on is working pretty well so we are obviously very pleased.
(Psst let me tell you a little joke I made, I thought it was hilarious Jess found it not so much.)
We were coming home from the grocery store one night a couple of weeks ago in her car and I looked down at the odometer. She only has about 1300 miles on the car and that is for about 6 months. In contrast I have had my Camry about 45 days and have 3000. That immediately lead me to thinking about putting an ad in the paper.
For sale 2008 Toyota Camry great condition only 1500 miles. Garage kept only driven to the doctor, store, and church on Sunday.
I immediately started cracking up, again Jess not so much.
All joking aside she is doing better and is getting quite a few hits on her resumes. (Jess does not think so but she really is.) She is going to an interview on Tuesday for her dream job. So please keep her in your prayers she could use a good boost right now. All in all she is recovering nicely we knew with soft tissue damage it was going to be a long road to travel. However when you are the one who’s life has been put on hold time does not pass too quickly. Getting better day by day is only cool in the movies with a nice music montage behind it. (Preferably 80’s music of course) Or as I have told her on many occasions
“A Storm is only pretty from a distance when you are not the one in the middle of it.”
(I made that one full credit to me and copyright to
Well that’s about it from Stapleton HQ sorry for the short update but not really all that much going on right now that I did not mention in my intervening posts. Everyone take care, that’s the news and I am outta here.