Missing an Organ, Christmas, and another 4.0

Greetings and Salutations Faithful Stapleton Blog Readers!

It time for another update from the Stapleton Mansion.  (While proofreading this paragraph Jess just read the prior sentence in a very ethnic fashion.  She has been assigned sensitivity training to be completed before the weeks end.)

Since my last update Jess had her surgery on December 15th and overall it went very well.  Her Gall Bladder is out and she has healed up nicely.  The only problem is it appears that the Gall Bladder removal has flared up symptoms from another problem that she has so her relief has been very little.   We are going to a specialist tomorrow to see what we can do for her.  (However I did finally get my cheese fries though so things are looking up!)

Jess continued to recover as I worked the next week and a half preparing for vacation.  Christmas went pretty well this year but by the time I got to it I was exhausted.

Christmas 2008 Pictures

Then came new years Jess & I have never been so happy to see a year leave in our lives.  2008 has been a hell of a year to say the least between the wreck, Jess’s recovery, the loss of income, and my 77 nights on the road.  We received a beat down in 2008.

Good bye 2008, we are still standing and you are leaving who got the beat down now?  But I digress and I apparently need to work on my trash talk as well.  That sounded like I should be drinking an appletini.

On January 5th I returned to work slightly rested but that did not last too long.  This is the year we are going to Hawaii for our 10th Anniversary and we could really use and are looking forward to the break.  I have so many airline miles and hotel points the trip should be free more or less.

Marshall started back on the 12th since then Jess has completed all her observations for her incomplete and just has to prepare the write ups.  She also has begun her last 2 classes for her Masters.  So come May of this year she will have her Masters in Special Education and another diploma for the wall.  So far my walking brain box has maintained a perfect 4.0 (including last semester) during her entire Masters program that is very impressive and further proves that I am rubbing off on her.

That is pretty much all that has been going on with the exception of the construction of the Nana Dungeon; that will be documented in my next entry.

So until next time boys and girls don’t talk to strangers, don’t believe that more government is the answer to any problem, and always remember that tomorrow is what you make out of it.

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