Greetings & Salutations Faithful Stapleton Blog Readers!
Just wanted to sum up the remodeling efforts on the new Stapleton Mansion
- Home Depot Sucks!
- Boy that is a lot of paint.
- No apparently my electrical tester does not work that would account for my new perm.
- Yes honey the house is a little behind, but my garage does look fantastic doesn’t it.
- 60 sheets of drywall and 150 studs! My O My
- Your time table gets put in perspective when you are delivered a pallet of drywall mud to finish the drywall that you intend to hang.
I have been working a lot on the house, between that and work I am about dead. So that would account for the staleness of the blog.
I have been getting a lot of help on the house from my painting crew (Jess’s mom & her step dad Rick) and also my technical consultant (Jess’s Dad). There is no way I could be as far along as I am without their help. Things are moving along at a good clip considering we are doing the work. I have accepted a fall back position from my original plans to accommodate our moving date. The basement will not be completed by our move in, but I hope to have everything accomplished by November 12th.  As for the kitchen that is anyone’s guess we cancelled the order with Home Depot for our cabinets. I just finally had enough of them not giving us any service worth a crap and we are exploring other vendors at this time.
Well I am heading to bed everyone have a great week!