We have moved!

Greetings and Salutations Faithful Stapleton Blog readers!

Well I know that it has been a while since an update so first of all let me say that I am sorry.  But there have simply not been enough hours in the day of late to do anything but the necessities.  So I am going to give a quick bullet point update today in hopes that I can get back to regular updates at a later time.

  • After 75 days of remodeling we moved into our new house on October 30th.  There are still some doors left to be hung and painted and the same goes for the downstairs trim, and we also need to hang the drop ceiling downstairs, but the house is very livable and we are all under one roof.
  • If it does not speak, bark, or meow I can’t find it.  Putting the house together is taking way longer than I expected but then again Jess & I are just plain worn out.
  • Meow?  Jake when do you get a cat?  Well that’s an interesting story 5 days before we moved Jess found an 8 week old kitten in the middle of 5th Street Road and saved it.  Within 18 hours the cat had been named Phoebe and I knew I was screwed then and had to keep it.  So now Petey has the pet that he has always wanted.
  • Jess gave her 2 week notice at work on Friday.  She is going to work for another agency doing exactly what she did at her old job.
  • I have been working either at work or on the house and sleeping and that’s just about it for me.

Sorry the update was so plain but that’s about all I have in me right now.  I am feeling very old and worn out but I am trying to correct that a little bit everyday.  3 months of averaging 5 hours sleep a night and 5000 miles a month have taken a pretty decent toll on me.  But now we are all in the house under one roof I can try to get back to normal and get a little bit rest.  I hope this update finds everyone well take care.

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