Petey's Procedure

Greetings & Salutations Faithful Stapleton Blog Readers!

Just wanted to give everyone a quick update on Petey’s procedure just in case you don’t follow my twitters. Petey is doing very well although he is still drugged out of his mind.

Petey has been having several ear infections of late and the vet thought it would be best to clean out out both his middle ear areas. So Jess took Petey in this morning for the procedure and a teeth cleaning (might as well make the most of him being put under). After the teeth cleaning the vet did an Endoscopic procedure on Petey’s ears.

It turns out that the infection inside the ear was so bad that both ear drums had to be ruptured for a complete cleaning. It will take about a week for Petey’s ears to heal and during that time he will only hear very muffled sounds. However on the bright side he did receive a clean bill health and is expected to make a full recovery.

Ruptured right ear after the cleaning


Ruptured left ear after the cleaning


There was so much pressure in his left ear that once the incision was made it basically “blew out”. The incision made by the vet was only about 1/4 the size of the hole you see in the picture.

Petey on drugs


I swear to you this is not a photo shop. We believe that so far he has chaired several meetings with the Care Bears and it looks like a busy night ahead.

Pain Meds w/o the Care Bears, Another 4.0, and Where's Jake

Greeting and Salutations Faithful Stapleton Blog Readers

I know I know it has been a while since a good update but I plan to make amends today.

Let’s start with an update on Jess. Monday will be 18 weeks since the wreck, she continues to recover but is no where near 100% of her mobility before the wreck. Her therapy has been scaled back to 2 times a week and continues to help some. We have been seeing a pain management specialist for about 6 weeks now and he has been able to help as well. Jess is currently working with a non-narcotic med to control her pain and the results are pretty good. On a good day she can get back 70% to 80% of her pre-wreck mobility for a period of time, but we want her back to 100% of pre-wreck without any drugs. We still have a long way to go. At least I have some solace in the fact that the pain meds are helping somewhat and for now the migraines have backed off a little. But more importantly she is feeling somewhat human again.

Jess earned another 4.0 last semester despite the wreck. (the girl is a walking brain box). She had to take an incomplete in one class but she plans to have that work finished up and turned in by July. (this involves the testing of a unsuspecting minor) She is taking 2 classes this summer and if all goes well she should graduate with her MA in Special Education next spring. In the last couple of weeks she has begun to look for work, but with the WV job market & the fact she is going to need to student teach 3 days a week next spring it is a complicated process. She had made arrangements with her previous employer to accommodate this but trying to find a new comparable position that will do this would be a stretch at the very least (of course, after the way she was treated by her former employer, we now doubt they would have honored their commitment). We are currently investigating several avenues of employment for her right now, so if anyone has any leads please let us know.

Jess’s spirits remain fairly good, but needless to say this “putting her life on hold” thing is a little hard to swallow. Especially when she was working, going to school, or involved in something 16 hours a day and that was all put on hold because of an unplanned accident (this would of course be completely different is it was a planned accident). Please continue to keep her in your prayers as we still have a good way to travel along the recovery road we have been placed on.

Jake what have you been up to?

Well thank you for asking. Since my last good blog entry (those are defined as updates about the family & everything else, as opposed to stuff that just interests me) I have spent 3 weeks on the road 2 in Lincoln, NE and 1 week in the Elkins, WV area. Some circumstances have arisen in the last few weeks that are going to make this year my most traveled and project laden since I began with the company (let me put it this way by the end of the summer I will have enough Hilton Honors Points so that when we go to Hawaii next year for our 10th anniversary, I will not be paying a dime for lodging and possibly airfare as well). Needless to say, my work is enough to keep my worn down right now, and with everything else, I have been a whipped puppy lately. The forecast for the summer is not looking too good either.

Lincoln was nice, I really liked the city. It reminded me of Columbus, OH, only smaller and cleaner. The city did have one Achilles heel, no Outback for 50 miles! I was out there for 2 weeks of software testing and I stayed over the weekend, which is a little unusual for me. Some of you may not know this, but in Nebraska they take their football a little seriously. So much in fact that for their Red & White scrimmage game 82,000 people showed up (yes that is correct 82,000 people showed up to watch the team play themselves, I just don’t get it) and hence I headed out of town for the day. It was a pretty fun day I went to the Strategic Air & Space Museum and had a blast. Some of you may not know it but I have a huge love for aircraft and would like to learn to fly someday. But to spend 4 hours in a museum of legendary aircraft was incredible for me. (you can see more about the visit here)

After I was done at the museum I went over to Omaha, NE and drove into Iowa to take a look around. Iowa made state number 26 of my goal to see all 50 states before I kick the bucket. I also go the chance to visit or at least see Offut Air Force Base, the former home of the Strategic Air Command. Military History has always been fascinating to me, so it was a really nice way to spend a Saturday afternoon it was my only day off while I was in Nebraska. Some of you may not know this, I am only 9 hours away from a full History degree at Marshall but I will probably never get the chance to complete it. Although I may need to start a poll: If I had 2 BA’s, would that trump Jess’s BA & future MA? But I digress.

During my second week in Lincoln I received a call that my cousin Steve Turman had been killed in an automobile accident. To be honest, Steve and I were never really close. We played together a lot when we were younger, but as the high school years came around we grew apart and didn’t really keep up with each other too much. Throughout his life Steve had his share of problems, he also touched too many lives to count. I can say this of him: to me, his lasting legacy to his boys and everyone will be that no matter your circumstance you can turn your life around, you can accept and put your trust in the Lord and all will be forgiven and He will be your Shepherd. For that I am extremely honored to say he was my cousin. Rest in peace Stevie, you will be missed and you are an example to us all.

Steve’s funeral took place on Saturday, April 26th. I was able to travel home to attend the service and was honored to be a pallbearer. Please continue to keep Steve’s family in your prayers, as they will need them everyday for many months yet to come. Through the first few weeks of May I was busy catching up on customer calls and work. Mom had a cataract surgery on her right eye and received a really cool eye patch. However she did not respond to any of my pirate jokes. Her eye is healing nicely and she will have her left eye done in August.

I also had another very exciting project that took a lot of my time. Our church recently installed a video system with one of our goals being to access the Sunday worship service online. So after a couple of weeks I came up with a way to make it happen. You can see an example of it here. This was my first experience at producing video content for the web and all the challenges that go with it. One of my major hurdles in doing this was my PC. It is a little long in the tooth and processing video is a young CPU’s game. Once things get back to normal around the house, I am trying to talk Jess into a PC upgrade for the Lord. (Do you think she’ll buy it?) All joking aside, we hope that this will be a great outreach tool. Some Churches have a wider outreach online than they do through their physical meetings.

The rest of May has been or will be traveling. However while I was in Elkins this week I took an evening an saw Iron Man, it was excellent. Next week I will be in the Cleveland area then home for a week. I hope this catches everyone up on what has been happening here at Stapleton Command. In the future I will try to update more regularly to avoid these War & Peace updates.

Everyone Have a good week and take care!

Easter Sunday, Home Maker, & Pirate Sounds

Greetings and Salutations Faithful Stapleton Blog Readers

     I hope this entry finds everyone doing well. It was an eventful week at the Stapleton household. On Easter Sunday, Jess went to church for the first time since the wreck. Even though we took ice packs, the angle of the pew really did a number on her back. But I was glad she got to go to worship especially on Easter. After I got Jess home from the early service, Mom called me to take Laura to the ER. She continued to feel worse all day last Saturday and still looked like death. Laura was seen by the urgent care part of the St. Mary’s ER and was given a course of antibiotics. I got her prescription filled and took her home to settle in. Later on Eater Sunday we went to Jess’s grandparents’ for Easter Dinner.

     Jess continues to attend therapy several times a week and is improving gradually. Our appointment with the pain management specialist is on Thursday. We are really hoping he will be able to help. Monday will be 11 weeks since the wreck and Jess is still not back to work. She had been waiting for a return call from her office to discuss returning to work part time (no more than 4 hours per day – and that was pushing her doctor’s orders) for the foreseeable future and gradually return to full time as she continues to recover. Mainstream Services declined the offer for part time work and released Jess from her position. The reason given was that since Jess is unable to return to work full time by April 8th, they could not hold a position for her. We completely understand that there is a business decision to be made here. However, it seems that for an agency whose only purpose is to accommodate and support people with disabilities, this seems particularly cold. Especially since Jess was trying to come back half time and the accident occurred while conducting work travel. There are a lot of bad things that I could say right now and I am certainly thinking them; but in the spirit of being good Christians, let’s just say we are disappointed.

     There is also the possibility that Jess is going to have to take an incomplete for one of her classes this semester because she has to administer educational testing and has not been able to do so. It is an on-campus class that she has yet to make it to, but the professor has been very understanding.

So Jess now has the title of FTSSHPPM

Full Time Student Stay at Home Petey & Phoebe Mom

Wouldn’t you know my luck I finally get a full time housewife and she is too injured to wait on me hand and foot. I just can’t get a break!

     As for me I had a good week. I made several customer calls this and signed a HUGE deal while at the same time kicking a competitor out of the bank!   


(I have just been informed by my wife that many people may not get the reference above and think that I had a spasm of pain while typing. To properly understand the comment below you will have to picture me in a pirate hat. Thank you.)

     I will be busy over the next 2 weeks trying to get a lot of things in motion and projects started before I head back out for more travel. Lawn maintenance has already started for the year. I actually had to mow the upper half of my backyard last week. This was a byproduct of Petey’s excellent winter fertilization techniques. That’s just about all – it was a slow news week.

That’s the news and I am outta here!

Happy Easter to All

You know there are allot of things I could put in this post.  Insightful commentary, audio/video, or a bible passage.  I will just say this.


Tomorrow we celebrate the raising of our savior Jesus Christ from the dead.  This perfect man died a gruesome horrible death for the imperfect people that he loves.  We are and were not worthy of this gift.  Please do not waste it. 

He is risen indeed!