Today is 3 years

Yep its hard to believe that three years ago today we moved into what was then our “new house”.  Since then we have remodeled the entire house finishing up the inside during my vacation in October of last year.  Which was not all that bad when you think about all the days I have been on the road.  Technically we have been in the house 1095 days and of those days I have spent about 225 nights on the road.  So if you do the math I have been gone 20% of the time that we have owned the house (29% of the time if you just count business days).

Enough math now the important bit.  Like any good homeowner I have before and after pictures showing all the work.  Sure I could just post the pics but a movie is always better enjoy!

Surgeries, Vacation, and Imaginary Banks

Greetings and Salutations Faithful Stapleton Blog Readers

Here we go with another marathon update . . . .(in chronological order of course)

The week after my last lengthy update on June 5th, Petey had surgery to have a tumor removed.  He did pretty well with the surgery and the tumor was benign, so Jess & I were very thankful.  We both felt like a couple of heels over the entire matter.  The tumor was exterior and looked like a skin tag for lack of a better term.  It did not look like a mole or anything dangerous so we let it go for a while until we noticed it growing and we took him in.  Our outstanding vet Dr. Chevalier did the surgery and took care of our boy with her usual professional and personal skill.   The rest of June went pretty much normally or at least what has qualified for normal lately.  I continued traveling way more than I would have liked and Jess continued making progress on getting her teaching certificate and looking for a job.

Continue reading “Surgeries, Vacation, and Imaginary Banks”

Jess's First Day of School

For those of you who do not know Jess accepted a teaching job in Cabell County. She will be teaching an Autism/MI class at Huntington High School this year. So like any good husband I made her take a first day of school picture. Congratulations grumps I am very proud of you.

Jess's First Day of Teaching
Jess's First Day of Teaching

Our 10th Anniversary

July 24th is our 10th Wedding Anniversary.  Yes it was just 10 short years ago that Jess and I were married on a  dark and stormy afternoon in July.  (See honey when the power went out during the wedding it wasn’t an omen)  We have outlasted many TV shows, been through a couple of recessions, and survived many many things together.  There have been several ups and downs, things we have not expected nor planned for but we have made it through it all.

To celebrate this momentous day (and the fact that I believe all betting pools on the length of our marriage have now expired) I will update the famous paragraph below as is tradition, post our yearly anniversary picture, and never take for granted the love that God has blessed us with.

Happy Anniversary Grumps I Love You.

So after 2 houses, 1 rental, the cars going to Graley’s Auto Body 13 times, 2 BA degrees, 1 MA degree, 6 computers, 2 beds, 3 TV’s, 9 DVD players, 11 jobs, 6 cars, 3 surgeries, 1 major wreck, taking in Petey & Phoebe, and finding a church home we’re still together so it must be love.

10th Anniversary Picture

The first 10 years the movie . . .

Music: Five for Fighting – 100 Years