We have moved!

Greetings and Salutations Faithful Stapleton Blog readers!

Well I know that it has been a while since an update so first of all let me say that I am sorry.  But there have simply not been enough hours in the day of late to do anything but the necessities.  So I am going to give a quick bullet point update today in hopes that I can get back to regular updates at a later time.

  • After 75 days of remodeling we moved into our new house on October 30th.  There are still some doors left to be hung and painted and the same goes for the downstairs trim, and we also need to hang the drop ceiling downstairs, but the house is very livable and we are all under one roof.
  • If it does not speak, bark, or meow I can’t find it.  Putting the house together is taking way longer than I expected but then again Jess & I are just plain worn out.
  • Meow?  Jake when do you get a cat?  Well that’s an interesting story 5 days before we moved Jess found an 8 week old kitten in the middle of 5th Street Road and saved it.  Within 18 hours the cat had been named Phoebe and I knew I was screwed then and had to keep it.  So now Petey has the pet that he has always wanted.
  • Jess gave her 2 week notice at work on Friday.  She is going to work for another agency doing exactly what she did at her old job.
  • I have been working either at work or on the house and sleeping and that’s just about it for me.

Sorry the update was so plain but that’s about all I have in me right now.  I am feeling very old and worn out but I am trying to correct that a little bit everyday.  3 months of averaging 5 hours sleep a night and 5000 miles a month have taken a pretty decent toll on me.  But now we are all in the house under one roof I can try to get back to normal and get a little bit rest.  I hope this update finds everyone well take care.

Traveling & Remodeling

Greetings & Salutations Faithful Stapleton Blog Readers!

As you can tell with the gaps in my posts the Stapleton Mansion remodel has been keeping me busy.  I have also had a lot of out of town nights at work, and I found out on Friday I have to go to Texas for a week in October.  Then when you throw in the fact that Jessica had bronchitis (Petey stayed in the bed with her for 1 ½ weeks straight, boy did she get the axe murder look when she went back to work), along with the remodel moving slower than my crack brain had planned we have had to put off moving.  We are going to stay in the town house another month to allow the remodel to be completely finished before we move in.  This would mean a move in date of late in October but I have set no dates yet. A lot has happened since my last entry all the walls are up and the drywall hung downstairs.  The upstairs is trimmed out and almost fully painted, & we have ordered a Kitchen from Chandlers and that is just at the house.

At church we have begun our 40 Days of Community campaign for which I created a website.  Speaking of websites I have been getting pretty good at building them lately I have recently begun an online sermon archive for the church called PRBC Media it’s linked to the church’s home page.  This site is streaming baby!  I have even figured out how to stream video but have not got the chance to use it yet.  What was I talking about oh yeah the campaign Jess & I are leading a small group of middle school girls on Sunday nights for the duration of the campaign, we had our first meeting tonight.  This weekend Jess & I went to see Beth Moore at the Charleston Civic Center.  That was a great time, yes Beth Moore is a women’s bible study leader but I and some other men from church went to it with their wives I have labeled us “trophy husbands”.  But her studies are really good and thought provoking; Jess & I have been working on one at home together.  While we were at the conference Jess, myself, and 2 other couples were asked to go up on stages to speak about what we loved most about our wives.  So in front of 11,000 people I got on the microphone declared my love for my wife.  Needless to say got some brownie points from telling the truth for once!

Well wish I had some more to talk about but I can sum up the time since my last entry this way.  I have been at church, remodeling, working, or sleeping.  I hope this entry finds everyone well catch ya later.

No I am not dead!

Greetings & Salutations Faithful Stapleton Blog Readers!

Just wanted to sum up the remodeling efforts on the new Stapleton Mansion

  • Home Depot Sucks!
  • Boy that is a lot of paint.
  • No apparently my electrical tester does not work that would account for my new perm.
  • Yes honey the house is a little behind, but my garage does look fantastic doesn’t it.
  • 60 sheets of drywall and 150 studs!  My O My
  • Your time table gets put in perspective when you are delivered a pallet of drywall mud to finish the drywall that you intend to hang.

I have been working a lot on the house, between that and work I am about dead.  So that would account for the staleness of the blog.

I have been getting a lot of help on the house from my painting crew (Jess’s mom & her step dad Rick) and also my technical consultant (Jess’s Dad).  There is no way I could be as far along as I am without their help.  Things are moving along at a good clip considering we are doing the work.  I have accepted a fall back position from my original plans to accommodate our moving date.  The basement will not be completed by our move in, but I hope to have everything accomplished by November 12th.   As for the kitchen that is anyone’s guess we cancelled the order with Home Depot for our cabinets.  I just finally had enough of them not giving us any service worth a crap and we are exploring other vendors at this time.

Well I am heading to bed everyone have a great week!

Stapleton Mansion Update #4


Our house in the middle of the street, our house in the middle of the street, our house in the middle of the street. Ok maybe you need to be an 80’s child to understand but I thought it was funny.

We closed & took possession yesterday!

Stapleton Mansion Update #3

Greetings & Salutations Faithful Stapleton Blog Readers!

Well that was interesting!

Jess & I did not close on the house Friday because the sellers came to the closing unprepared. Apparently the house that we are buying is included in a bridge loan with the seller’s new home. Not a problem in itself unless you are the sellers and come to closing without the proper release documentation so that you release the house from the bridge loan. We are a little aggravated but I feel confident will close on the house early next week. I really do not blame the sellers most people have no idea what is involved in securing and releasing property but their realtor should have!

Obviously I had a full weekend of work planned at the house and all the utilities are already in our name & I had to call my insurance agency to make sure they did not start my homeowners (BUT I’M NOT BITTER). Oh well if holding of the closing a few days is the worst thing that happens during this process then we are going to be alright. (Still a little bitter but alright)

So looks like I am going to take a day off on Sunday afternoon and take my starkly white mouse jockey body to the wave pool on Sunday. It will be the closest thing we get to the beach this year. Everyone take care I will post an entry and a picture of the house when we close have a good one. Jake