Greetings and Salutations Faithful Stapleton Blog Readers!
I hope this post finds you and yours doing well. I have not done a proper update in a while so here’s a little something to get everyone up to date.
As some of you may know this Bail Out and government intervention in our Banking systems has honked me off quite a bit. I am not over it but this is all you will hear about it in this post. There really has not been too much going on lately besides work.
Jess is continuing her student teaching at Cabell Midland in the Autism room to rave reviews. Not only does she have a heart for this but she is outstanding at it! I am really proud of her for this, she does something daily that I don’t think that I could. Or as I like to say it she spends her days helping those who can not help themselves. Her thesis process continues to move along. This is a two semester process and has been stressing her out; she has never done this type of research. The girl just needs to realize that she is a walking brain box and she will do well at whatever she puts her mind towards.
That being said; at this point after 9 years of marriage I have just decided she does not want to learn how to cook. She can do most everything else, but I digress. We are continuing to see her pain management doctor and she is still receiving therapy twice a week. Overall she is doing pretty well considering. It is just hard because at this point her recovery is no longer advancing by feet we are down to very slow moving inches. It may be two years before we figure out what normal will be for her. Her daily activities are not being affected to badly but I think most of that is because she has learned to adjust for things.
She has been off of work since January 14th so needless to say things are tight but we are managing. We have been blessed and the Lord has provided for us during this time, there is just no other way to put it. On the legal front I am sure it will be forever before any kind of claim is finalized. AVIS is self insured so they are not in a hurry to do anything. It’s nice to know that you can be at no fault in an accident, have you life stopped, your life savings drained, and left to hang out in the wind for 9 months with little or no advancement towards a resolution.
One the Jake front things have just been busy but what else is new. My marathon travel days seem to be over for the next little bit. I think I still might have 4 more weeks on the road left for the year but that is dependent on some projects. Since the last post I spent a week on day trips and a week in Beckley. I also took a weeks vacation and finished the house. I thought that since we will be here for 2 years on October 30th I was running out of excuses for primer colored doors.
Like all projects it took quite a bit longer than anticipated to finish. The 10 doors alone took 60 coats of paint. I patched my first hole in drywall that took a 10 inch knife to float. (For those of you that understand that you know it was cool.) My 45 item punch list on the house that I made about 18 months ago was completed as well. I have since found a couple of touch up spots I need to handle this weekend and I need to finish a few amenities in the bathroom downstairs. But it is my plan to use the shower downstairs for the first time today.  (Someone has to see if it is going to leak.) There will be a movie released at sometime in the future on the website for your consumption. I have a lot of ideas to make the movie fun so it may take a little bit of time.
We are also working on reconfiguring the house a little. I am a little cramped at home for a home office so Jess was kind enough to move her desk out to a corner in the living room. I am still going back and forth on either a 2 desk system for the office one for work and one for personal use. Or some kind of monster L shaped desk that will meet both needs. Either way Jess had to move out of the office to make it happen. Overall she was pretty accommodating of this. My dream would be to have a home office one day that could be it’s own room but the house is not big enough to do this in an aesthetically pleasing way.
Well I think that is about it for now. There may be some election rants coming on the blog in the coming weeks but you can ignore them if you would like. I would just like to ask that not matter who you vote for that you exercise you civic duty to vote this year.
That’s the news and I am outta here!