No Longer Holding The Mayo

As many of you know since her wreck in 2008 Jess has suffered from severe persistent migraines. Many of you may know people that suffer from migraines but let me put what Jess goes through in perspective.

This is a typical week for Jess

On average she has 4 migraines a week and it usually takes about 12 hours to kick one.
That’s 48 hours

She works about 45 hours a week (at school anyway)
That’s 93 hours

Then let’s say we let her sleep at least 7 hours a night
That’s 142 hours

With 169 hours in a week that leaves about 4 hours a day for family and other pursuits. However I can tell you there are some weeks we wish she felt well 4 hours a day.

Since the wreck she has been going through pain management treatment (3 1/2 years now). Her doctors have been great and really brought her a long way but we can’t accept that she is going to have to live the rest of her life this way.

That brings us to tonight we are in a hotel room waiting for her appointment at the Mayo clinic tomorrow. In reality we realize there may be nothing anyone can do but we just can’t accept that yet. If this is God’s will then we have to accept it but that doesn’t mean we can’t talk to a few people until we hear him clearly.

We are not ignorant of the fact that we are fortunate she can even function and work. Through everything she continues to work and use her gift for the Special Ed population she serves. That “job” is a blessing to her in so many ways but we just have to ask if there is anything else we can do for her.

So if you are the praying kind we would appreciate any stray prayer traffic you can send our way. As we feel appropriate we will relay the results of her visit.

For the time being prayer would be most greatly appreciated.

Christmas, Snow, and another 4.0

Greetings and Salutations Faithful Stapleton Blog Readers!

It’s time for another gripping update of what is going on with the Stapleton Family.

First, as you can see from the posting, the Stapleton Family blog has moved to a new website That’s right Jake has started another bloody website.

Why?  Because he can.

All the “Family postings” have been exported out of and imported into, as this site will now become the central repository of all the Stapleton family updates. will now revert back to content that he deems worthy to publish, however Jake’s political opinions will still reside at

How many domain names do you own?

Well that’s a good question.  I own the domains mentioned above,, and a few other classified ones as well.  The only one that I have been unable to get a hold of that I really want is and that’s because a dude in CA is holding on to it for his daughter.  Oh well one day he’ll forget to renew it.

Enough web talk.  Lets talk about the Stapleton Family.


December started out innocently enough until we had the water leak in the basement.  This ended up being a mess as you could well assume.  The pipe was hidden so well that superman would have had trouble locating it with his x-ray vision.  So between clearing out the storage area, finding the leak, repairing the leak, putting the carpet back down, my business travel, Jess’s finals, and Christmas, December was just a blur.

Don’t take me wrong, we had a nice Christmas and got to spend some time with the family, but December was just a blur.  We didn’t even get that many pictures this year, but the good ones (and the ones I am allowed to publish) are below.

My walking brain box completed her fall semester at Marshall with another stellar 4.0 GPA.  We are happy to say that she is taking the spring and summer off from Marshall to get rested up and caught up on all of her other work.


January was a busy month, I spent most of it in Elkins, WV working with a client on a huge project.  The project went well beyond all my hopes in spite of the weather.  (There were snow drifts around my car every night at the hotel.)  When I wasn’t in Elkins during January, I was calling on customers elsewhere.  Jess spent January in a state of “I only have to work and no school” bliss.  That was until the migraines came, starting in mid January she had a migraine everyday for about 30 days going into February.  This is the worst stint she has experienced in a very long time.  We are looking at some other options for her and exploring doing some referrals during her summer break.

Jess and I hope this posting finds you and yours doing well.   That’s the news and we are outta here!

School, Work, & Pyramid Schemes

Greetings and Salutations Faithful Stapleton Blog Readers!

I know it has been a long time since a formal update.  To be honest we have so much interaction with our friends and family through Facebook and Twitter it’s like pulling teeth to update the blog.  But do not fear my troglodyte friends and family, here is another update to bring you up to speed.  Besides I need to keep the blog updated so that when my memoirs are written I can refer back.

Since I am so far in the arrears on this entry I am going to break it up by season and by spousal unit  (That way I channel my inner Sheldon.)


Jess had the summer off of course being a school teacher.  That however did not mean she got out of going to school.  As part of the pyramid scheme that is the education system she graduated with a 4.0 Masters in Special Education but needs to take more classes for a BD/LD/MI certificate.  (Behavioral Disorder/Learning Disability/Mental Impairment).  She took 6 hours during the summer to fulfill the requirement of her teaching certificate.  This summer she also tried out a new migraine medication.  This medicine is meant to be taken daily as a preventative.  After a disastrous first try during the school year, the second drug she tried worked!  It has reduced the frequency of the migraines considerably.   Don’t take me wrong, when she has a migraine the severity is not any less but they are happening far less frequently.  Over the summer she also accepted a new position in the school system.  She is now teaching a self-contained Autism/MI room at the new Huntington Middle School.

My summer was about par for the course with lots of projects and travel.  Wish it was more exciting but that was about it.  I am fortunate that the services my company provides to banks are non-discretionary and tied to long-term contracts.   This gives my job and company a position of stability even in economies like this one.  I am happy to report that we are still the largest data processor in WV and have resigned every customer thus far (even added a new one).  That’s not to say that we are fancy free and without difficulties in this economy, we just have a buffer.

During the summer Jess and I also celebrated out 11th anniversary and took a much too quick vacation.  While we are on the subject, my Hilton Diamond status allows me to throw people out of a hotel for room but not the waffle line.  I need to address this with the Hilton Honors program but I digress.


Jess started off her school year with a new class, in her new room, and in a new building.  Unfortunately for her, the support she has last year was sub par so she is getting another first year of teaching.  So far this school year has been much better in every way.  She is really getting her footing and using her gift to work with those who cannot help themselves.  She gives those kids everything she has and it makes me very proud.

In order to keep up with her pyramid scheme program she is also taking another 6 hours this fall.  Assuming we have the entire story this time, she should be able to take some time off from school until Fall 2011.

My fall has been pretty busy as well with projects and travel.  I have been included in a new program the company is offering and so far it has been pretty challenging. (more to come on this later)  I also have been blessed with sales again this year.  With 3 months left in our fiscal year I am sitting at 241% of my goal.  This continues my trend of making my goals every year since I have been employed my lowest year 103% my highest 263%. So with any luck, this should put me on the Top Ten sales list in the company for the 3rd year in a row.  You know it can be discouraging to be absolutely worn out at work, but it would be worse if everything I was doing didn’t show any results.  I am looking forward to some vacation time over Christmas to get rested up.

In other miscellaneous news:

  • Mom had her surgery in October to have everything put back together.  She is doing very well and continues to heal and get stronger everyday
  • I can now report that after my first 19,000 miles in my 2011 Avalon I would recommend it to anyone without reservation.  Since I only have the fleet model yours will be much nicer.
  • Jess’s brother Ricky and his wife Megan are settled into their new life in Deridder, LA.  Ricky has signed a two-year contract to work with a dental firm in the area.  Megan is exploring graduate school and employment options in the area.
  • I just finished week 3 of my couch to 5k .

That’s about all the exciting updates from the Stapleton household.  Like everyone else, we just do our little part everyday to make the country go around.

We have been blessed beyond all measure and have so much to be thankful for.

Until next time, that’s the news and I am outta here!

Our 11th Anniversary

July 24th was our 11th Wedding Anniversary.  Yes it was just 11 short years ago that Jess and I were married on a dark and stormy afternoon in July.  We have outlasted many TV shows, been through a couple of recessions, and survived many many things together.  There have been several ups and downs, things we have not expected nor planned for but we have made it through it all.

As always to celebrate this momentous day I will update the famous paragraph below as is tradition, post our yearly anniversary picture, and never take for granted the love that God has blessed us with.

So after 2 houses, 1 rental, the cars going to Graley’s Auto Body 13 times, 2 BA degrees, 1 MA degree, 6 computers, 2 beds, 4 TV’s, 10 DVD players, 12 jobs, 7 cars, 3 surgeries, 1 major wreck, 2 washers, taking in Petey & Phoebe, and finding a church home we’re still together so it must be love.

Happy Anniversary Grumps I Love You.

Quick Beach Vacation 2010

Well today is Saturday, we returned home from the beach last night. (so depression has set in) Our schedules this summer have really been crazy so all we could squeeze in were a few days. I’ve had a bunch of projects that have really made it hard to get an entire week free. Jess’s Summer School has been keeping her very busy too so things just did not work out this year for a normal length vacation. However with all that we still had a good time.

We didn’t really have time to take a lot of pictures and I forgot the regular camera. So all the shots you see are from my iPhone 3gs including the video.


Thought I would play with making a video of the waves.