Winter, Teaching, & Washer Go Bye Bye

Greetings and Salutations Faithful Stapleton Blog Readers!

It has been a long, cold, and snowy winter here at the Stapleton household but we managed to survive.  Events have been few and far between since the last entry (beyond everyday life) which explains the lack of posting.  I ended up having a fairly light few months of travel, and Jess has been making her way through her first year in the school system.  Shes been a trooper this year while continuing to have several migraines a week but manages to work through it on most days.  That’s pretty good since the school system will give you a migraine whether you are prone to them or not.  As some of you may have heard the children are not the problem in many cases. We are going to try some med changes this summer while she is off to see if we can get things working a little better.  Most of her body pain from the wreck is gone now but the new migraines the wreck brought with it are still a constant struggle.  I have no doubt that she fights through pain that would make most people including me curl up in the fetal position.

On a brighter note Jess has found a position for next year at the new Huntington Middle School.   However due to changes in how the special education rooms are classified in the state she has to get another certification in addition to her Masters in Special Education.  (I am beginning to think that academia is a pyramid scheme)  As a result she begins classes at Marshall on May 24th, when she completes this round of classes she will have a Masters plus a bunch o freaking hours (That’s a technical term, when does she get that PHD thing?)

In Other News Since The Last Post

  • Our marriage outlived the first major appliance purchase.  Our washer of 10 years suffered a systems failure that would cost the price of a new one to repair.  So we purchased one of those new tree hugging washers.
  • We celebrated several birthdays (Sandy, Rick, Mom, & Nana Banana)
  • The new season of Doctor Who started and I am watching it for the first time ever as it first runs in HD on my AppleTV (Jess didn’t think that was important.  What?)

All in all not a lot going on.  We are just doing that day-to-day stuff that makes America run.  We hope that this entry finds you and yours doing well.

That’s the news and I am outta here!

Jess’s Surprise 30th Birthday Party

Well today was the big day for Jess’s surprise 30th birthday party.  I am thrilled to say that it came off without a hitch and she did not figure anything out until the last second.  (I just can’t seem to hide 15 cars)

A fun time was had by all and it was good to see Jess out and about having a good time.

Happy Birthday a couple of weeks early grumps.

Covert Operational Document Archive

Thanks to all of you who lied this week to make this possible.