Mom retired from Kiwanis Day Care center after 47 years of service this year. Â She is cutting back since she turned 83 and only continuing to do bookkeeping for 3 companies. Â If I reach the age of 83 I will probably be worrying about who is going to change my diaper. Continue reading “Mom Finally Got Her Way!”
Quick Beach Vacation 2010
Well today is Saturday, we returned home from the beach last night. (so depression has set in) Our schedules this summer have really been crazy so all we could squeeze in were a few days. I’ve had a bunch of projects that have really made it hard to get an entire week free. Jess’s Summer School has been keeping her very busy too so things just did not work out this year for a normal length vacation. However with all that we still had a good time.
We didn’t really have time to take a lot of pictures and I forgot the regular camera. So all the shots you see are from my iPhone 3gs including the video.
Thought I would play with making a video of the waves.
Ricky’s Dental School Graduation
This weekend we packed up the entire family and went to Morgantown for Ricky’s graduation. Ricky now has a Diploma and cape that allows him to fight the war against tooth decay. All joking aside we are really proud of him for all the work he has put into becoming Ricky L. Cremeans Jr. DDS.
Merry Christmas!
Today is 3 years
Yep its hard to believe that three years ago today we moved into what was then our “new house”. Since then we have remodeled the entire house finishing up the inside during my vacation in October of last year. Which was not all that bad when you think about all the days I have been on the road. Technically we have been in the house 1095 days and of those days I have spent about 225 nights on the road. So if you do the math I have been gone 20% of the time that we have owned the house (29% of the time if you just count business days).
Enough math now the important bit. Like any good homeowner I have before and after pictures showing all the work. Sure I could just post the pics but a movie is always better enjoy!