“The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the law of God and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.” John Adams
This premise was put forth to me today and I found it immensely thought provoking. Why not think of your income as property? What makes you more upset; when someone takes money your never tangibly see or takes a room of your home and gives it to someone else.
When politicians in Washington take your property weather it’s money or tangible goods and gives it to someone else that’s wrong!  I have no problem doing my fair share to fund the legitimate needs of this county. But don’t take my hard earned income and give it to someone else for an Earned Income Tax Credit, 99 weeks of unemployment, or any other kind of government handout to able bodied people. Your property (hard earned money) is taken from you constantly to fund items that you have no control over while elected officials are never held accountable and they certainly never have to do with less.
Please do your part to let your elected officials know they will be held accountable no matter what party affiliation they claim.
The unique liberties that our country offers are being taken away piece by piece. This has to be stopped now! Say no farther!
We are Americans blessed by God to have born in the most exceptional country he has ever blessed this earth with and I believe it’s worth fighting for!
The coming days ahead will be a turning point for this country. Keep it as the founders intended or go further down the path of a socialist pseudo democracy.
The choice is yours.