Greetings & Salutations Faithful Stapleton Blog Readers!
Well, I normally do not do little posts like this but I thought I would share my morning exercise with you. The morning started out like any other I took Petey out so he could go to the bathroom. Then I hear hooves and turn around. In the middle of my road about 3 feet from me a fawn skids to a stop. The fawn and I look at each other, both a little startled. Then Petey sees the fawn. There they stand face to face, about 6 feet apart (all of a sudden I started hearing The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly Theme in my head). Petey and the fawn lock eyes (I would imagine that Petey is thinking “big brown dog”! The fawn is probably thinking “too small to be a hunter”!). Petey starts to run toward the fawn (Jack Russell’s are hunting dogs ya know.) as it loops around me and around Petey and starts running down the road toward the Jehovah’s Witness Temple at the end of our road.
Now this is the funny part if you were looking out the living room window of the town house 2 units down from us this is what you saw. Please keep in mind that the town house in question is recessed and has a very narrow field of view, like a set of horse blinders. So, if they were observing the morning sunrise, they saw a 4 foot tall fawn running down the middle of the road, running from a 18 inch high dog, both being chased by an overweight mouse jockey in Birkenstocks. I know I would have been laughing my head off. Have a good one Jake.
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