I have to admit that this year I have had trouble getting in the Christmas Spirit. Not with the true meaning and spirit of Christmas the birth of Christ but just with I guess the secular Christmas stuff you might say? I am having trouble expressing this thought so before I twist this around to where no one can understand it let me just say it this way
The birth of Christ our savior I am good with.
The spirit of giving this time of year I am good with.
Everything else large and small in between I am just kind of blahhhh.
I can’t really explain why I have been blah this Christmas.  The blessings that my family and I have received this year are truly too numerous to count.  Maybe I am just tired and really need the next 13 days that I have planned off we’ll see.  (but back to the point of the post)
Then we get to today, when I received the video below in an email today from a friend. Â It just made me smile and just kicked me out of my Christmas Blah.
So if you are experiencing the Christmas Blah this year I hope it does the same for you.
Thanks Kathy Smith for yanking me out of the Christmas Blah.
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