The memory is a funny thing . . .

It’s hard to believe that it was 19 years ago the last time an Indiana Jones movie came out. That was the summer of 1989 when Batman (with Michael Keaton), Lethal Weapon 2, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, & Star Trek 5 (ok 3 out of 4 were really good) all came out. Isn’t it odd how a movie or a song can bring back your memories so vividly of where you were and what you were doing? For instance I remember that The Last Crusade premiered on a Wednesday Night and mom let me go see it with Willie even though it was a school night. Willie was either working at Circuit City or was living in Wheeling (can’t quite remember that). We went to the 9:45 show and the Cinema Theatre downtown (before it was split up into 4 different theaters) I even remember that I bought the movie poster in the lobby. That was to be our last Summer with Dad and I was leaving Junior High and going to High School. Just take a moment and think about what was different back then. There was no World Wide Web, PC’s were definitely a luxury item, no DVD players, most phones in your home still had a cord, cellular phones cost a few thousand dollars, you got your news from a newspaper, and there was no Wal-Mart in town. Let’s also not forget the fact that I had more hair, was at least 60 pounds lighter, and my future wife was 11. Think about all the things that you use and have in life today that were not around then. Sometimes we may think that change is slow and time is creeping along but in reality it goes by far too quickly.You may ask Jake what brought all this up? Well I found a trailer for the new Indiana Jones film in my RSS feeds today and it made met think and reminisce a little. The trailer is below may it assist you in your walk down memory lane.Enjoy!

Update 03-24-13:  I am not crazy there used to be a link to a movie down here but its dead now.  That is probably for the best since I try to block this Indiana Jones Adventure out of my mind.


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