
  • Home Improvement Goals for Summer 2008

    • Paint 12 doors ( I knew I shouldn’t have hung them until I did)
    • Paint 2 door facings
    • Fill the nail holes and touch up the trim in the bathroom & entire downstairs
    • Paint the garage door (the previous owners left it primer gray)
    • Finish the shower in the second bath
    • Cut up and remove the semi-rotten wooden patio from the back of the house
    • Paint all the block on the outside of the house (it needs it but I also want to change the color from white to tan)

    If I get all this done the Stapleton Mansion Phase 1 will be completed

    You may ask why I am posting this on my blog?  Well it may keep me honest and see that I actually get it all done!

    It’s just my way of doing public accountability.

  • Also while I am feeling bad and ranting a little. . .

    I am sick of all this GREEN stuff. 

    I couldn’t even enjoy a good Holmes on Homes (a truly manly man’s show where you can wear overalls with no shirt) without every other commercial on Discovery Home telling me to fight global warming (which I don’t believe in). 

    I now suddenly have the urge to trade in the new Camry for a Hummer, stock pile incandescent light bulbs, and run electric cars off of the road.   

    I think my work is done here, now to try this non-snot controlling medicine and go to bed.

  • The 2nd Biggest Ceiling Fan’s I Have Ever Seen

    Picture it. Jake is driving up Rt. 219 just outside of Parsons on a dreary Tuesday afternoon heading up to get onto Rt. 50. Then I see the 2nd biggest ceiling fans ever!


    Just thought they were kind of neat I had never seen a windmill farm before.

  • I’m Mad as Snot!

    As some of you may remember a few posts back I lamented at how Zyrtec-D has gone OTC.  Since it has pseudoephedrine in it I have to be treated like a criminal to buy it.  Jess & I take 2 Zyrtec-D a day each and I have been purchasing a box about every week and a half for both of us to share.  Jess has obviously not been up to walking in stores since Zyrtec-D went OTC.

    Move forward to today, I am sick and almost out of Zyrtec-D which is the only thing that has been drying me up.  So I get dressed, risk life and limb (up hill both directions; against the earth’s rotation), and head out this evening to get some along with other essentials at Wal-Mart.  I go up to the pharmacy counter (license in hand because I now know the criminal routine) and try to make my purchase.  At this point I am informed that I may not make another Zyrtec-D Purchase until March 11th.  Apparently I have reached my quota!  This really really made me mad!  I was nice and did not take it out on the poor pharmacy tech, but I am still stewing! 

    So Monday I am going to call my family doc and see if I can start trying other allergy/sinus medication.  Something that is not OTC!  Sure I could run around to 15 different stores and try to beat the system but I just do not have time to do that.  All I want is my snot to be controlled.

    So to all those people out there who have found an illicit use for pseudoephedrine may I say congratulations.  Your misuse of a legal medical compound has now inconvenienced yet another person who just really wanted to have their snot managed.  May I suggest that you get a job and find other highs in life that may be just as rewarding as your illicit uses for pseudoephedrine. 

    You could seek the Lord, Church doors are always open.  You could seek help from friends or family members who could help you beat your addiction.  Or in some cases you could just get a job and stop stealing to support your habits.  So before you continue down this path of death, destruction, and loose snot everywhere, I say change your ways.

    You may say, "Jake that’s a little harsh", and I say my head is full of snot, I have a fever of 101, and one of those situations could be under control right now if some people could have found better things to do with their time!

  • The memory is a funny thing . . .

    It’s hard to believe that it was 19 years ago the last time an Indiana Jones movie came out. That was the summer of 1989 when Batman (with Michael Keaton), Lethal Weapon 2, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, & Star Trek 5 (ok 3 out of 4 were really good) all came out. Isn’t it odd how a movie or a song can bring back your memories so vividly of where you were and what you were doing? For instance I remember that The Last Crusade premiered on a Wednesday Night and mom let me go see it with Willie even though it was a school night. Willie was either working at Circuit City or was living in Wheeling (can’t quite remember that). We went to the 9:45 show and the Cinema Theatre downtown (before it was split up into 4 different theaters) I even remember that I bought the movie poster in the lobby. That was to be our last Summer with Dad and I was leaving Junior High and going to High School. Just take a moment and think about what was different back then. There was no World Wide Web, PC’s were definitely a luxury item, no DVD players, most phones in your home still had a cord, cellular phones cost a few thousand dollars, you got your news from a newspaper, and there was no Wal-Mart in town. Let’s also not forget the fact that I had more hair, was at least 60 pounds lighter, and my future wife was 11. Think about all the things that you use and have in life today that were not around then. Sometimes we may think that change is slow and time is creeping along but in reality it goes by far too quickly.You may ask Jake what brought all this up? Well I found a trailer for the new Indiana Jones film in my RSS feeds today and it made met think and reminisce a little. The trailer is below may it assist you in your walk down memory lane.Enjoy!

    Update 03-24-13:  I am not crazy there used to be a link to a movie down here but its dead now.  That is probably for the best since I try to block this Indiana Jones Adventure out of my mind.

  • Ok this is has really been bugging me . . .

    As some of you may know my allergy medicine Zytec-D went OTC. When I went to purchase it on Sunday I had to fork over my license and be logged into a database. My old prescription called for me to take 2 Zyrtec a day which most of the time I do. So I was informed by the nice lady at the pharmacy that I can by one box a week. The box contains 24 tablets that is a 12 day supply if I take 2 a day. So in theory I will need to by 3 boxes a month. Now according to the link below this can land me in Jail! I know that meth is really big problem but give me a break! There has got to be a better way to handle this instead of making law abiding allergy suffers be logged into a database like a criminal. So if I call you for bail money because of my allergy habit please oblige with a little green to get me out. Thanks

  • Opting Out

    Hey did you all know that there is a website where you can opt out of all firm offers of credit for a period of 5 years or life? Well neither did I, but I found out about it last week; when I received an open credit card offer from my bank and called to complain. Now I can look forward to hopefully not having 10 trees of credit card offers every week in my mailbox (it’s really putting a strain on my over sized shredder). If you want to become cool like us the link is below.

  • A New Site Design But You Probably Can’t Tell

    Greetings and Salutations faithful Stapleton Blog Readers.

    Well you may not be able to notice it but my webpage is now done completely in WordPress. This is the software that I use to run my blog and now it handles my entire website (my old website was a knock off of my WordPress theme created in MS publisher to match my blog). It really is a powerful piece of software as I have come to find out and it is a lot easier to maintain. Not to mention that now I have 10’s of thousands of themes to choose from (saves me a little R&D work). Sure I made a few very minor concessions to do this and I am still working on a few legacy content issues (should be solved by the weekend) but this is really the way to go. It is also my hope that by making the site easier to maintain and update that it will not be so static. Please feel free to leave your comments and thoughts about the site (that is all 6 of you that read it.) 8)

    If you are interested in starting your own WordPress blog/website the company will host you for free here.

    Oh and by the way if you all are wondering how sick in the head I really am this little project was to relax me during some time off.

    Have a good one!