Author: Jake

  • Quotes

    Father, I ask that You will help me understand that Jesus is in the hurts, in the disappointments, in the disasters, that He is leading me on.  Setting me free from that which is shackling me; all my “self-sufficiency” and “self-reliance,” all my desire to be exalted, to be made much of.

    Ray Stedman

  • Important housing announcement!

    It is my pleasure to announce that as of 03:00 hours EST (07:00 Zulu) on 19th October 2008 that the Stapleton Mansion Remodel Phase 1 is complete!  After a mere 26 months of work, planning, and putting things off phase one is done.  Phase 1 is defined as the original vision that we had for the house when it was purchased it in August of 2006. 

    I would liked to take this time to thank the cast of thousands that assisted on the project.

    All in all I could have found a better way to spend my vacation but I do have some joy in that nothing in the house is the color of primer anymore.  I am currently working on a movie about the remodel and will post it later.

    Thank you for your attention and God Bless. 

  • Quotes

    There is no security on this earth, only opportunity.

    General Douglas MacArthur

    What a great quote!

    This applies to so many things my love of capitalism, my belief in American Exceptionalism, but most importantly my belief in God and the fact that he is the only security that anyone can ever have.

    Science will fail you, people will fail you, but God is without fail.

  • Final Full Length Bond Trailer is Up!

    Link Is Here

    Ok now I am really excited.  This is not a bad way to end a day.

  • Quotes

    This is the “Sailors Prayer” I had never heard it before this morning.  I discovered it while I was on the treadmill this morning watching an episode of Hero Ships I recorded from the History International channel.

    Lord thy ocean is so large and thy boat is so small.  Lord please have mercy on my soul.

  • Irrefutable Logic

    I felt there was no choice but to share this entry from my "2008 Bad Drivers Daily Calendar".

    I find the logic and reasoning to be absolutely sound and without fault.


  • Quotes

    Hope is all you have when you have no faith.

    Hope is what you have when you deliberately turn away from your faith and try to do things on your own.

    Hope is what you have when you have not given enough over to the Lord.

    Jake Stapleton

    Bible School This Morning

    Context: We were having a conversation about the difference between Hope and Faith.  This came to mind and I shared with the group.