Author: Jake

  • Thank You

    Today I had the privilege to spend Christmas day with my family. However this would not have been possible without the sacrifice of the tens of thousands of men and women who did not.

    I would like to take this time on my little blog and just say thank you, to all the men and women that currently serve or who have served in the United States armed forces. Without your sacrifices the Christmas day that I enjoyed is this the most exceptional and free country on Earth would not have been possible.

    Thank You and God Bless

  • A little Christmas Political Humor

    Hat tip to Nancy for the email.

    To All My Democrat Friends:
    Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all.
    I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2008, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great. Not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country nor the only America in the Western Hemisphere . Also, this wish is made without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishee.   
    To My Republican Friends:

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  • New Addition to the Web Site

    Greetings and Salutations Faithful Stapleton Blog Readers!

    I wanted to take a moment and do some shameless self promotion.  If you get the chance check out my new news and articles page Things I Find Interesting.  You can get to its permanent link from the navigation bar on the right hand side of every page on my website except for this blog page (sorry hosted by third party software).  Drop me some comments and let me know what you think.


    P.S. If you would like a invitation to try Google Reader or Gmail let me know I have plenty.

  • Petey Meets Bambi

    Greetings & Salutations Faithful Stapleton Blog Readers!

    Well, I normally do not do little posts like this but I thought I would share my morning exercise with you. The morning started out like any other I took Petey out so he could go to the bathroom. Then I hear hooves and turn around. In the middle of my road about 3 feet from me a fawn skids to a stop. The fawn and I look at each other, both a little startled. Then Petey sees the fawn. There they stand face to face, about 6 feet apart (all of a sudden I started hearing The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly Theme in my head). Petey and the fawn lock eyes (I would imagine that Petey is thinking “big brown dog”! The fawn is probably thinking “too small to be a hunter”!). Petey starts to run toward the fawn (Jack Russell’s are hunting dogs ya know.) as it loops around me and around Petey and starts running down the road toward the Jehovah’s Witness Temple at the end of our road.

    Now this is the funny part if you were looking out the living room window of the town house 2 units down from us this is what you saw. Please keep in mind that the town house in question is recessed and has a very narrow field of view, like a set of horse blinders. So, if they were observing the morning sunrise, they saw a 4 foot tall fawn running down the middle of the road, running from a 18 inch high dog, both being chased by an overweight mouse jockey in Birkenstocks. I know I would have been laughing my head off. Have a good one Jake.

  • Uncle Sam has gone home to rest

    Greetings & Salutations Faithful Stapleton Blog Readers

    I am writing today to let you all know that Uncle Sam has passed away. He went home to be with Aunt Nancy on Fathers Day Morning about 7:00.

    As I sit back and think about this I have some mixed emotions. I am of course sad that I won’t get to see or talk with him again in this life time, but I am more happy than anything. Uncle Sam always wanted to do for himself, he never wanted to be old and in need of help. As his breathing problems became worse he increasingly had to rely on his son Andy & his wife Laura who were always at his side ready to help. But I really think there has been such a weight on his heart since Aunt Nancy died that he really has just longed to be reunited with her again.

    You see Uncle Sam & Aunt Nancy were more grandparents to me than anything else. Bobba (that’s what we called my dad’s mom) was 75 years older than me. Although we could talk and I visited with her regularly, I never spent a lot of time with her like my other siblings. I came along so late in life that my other siblings were there to babysit me. My Grandfather on dad’s side of the family died back in the 1940’s way before I came along. On my mom’s side I never knew my grandmother she died in the 60’s. Pawpaw (mom’s dad) lived about an 1 1/2 hours away and although we went to visit I never really spent a lot of time with him I was young and had cousins to play with. Since I had siblings to watch me I never went up and stayed with him like my brother and sisters. Pawpaw died when I was in the 8th grade.

    So that brings us back to Uncle Sam & Aunt Nancy they were just right. Just old enough to be grandparents and up on current events enough to be fun! When I think about it that is what they really were to me. Going to their house was always free entertainment if you came out of the house not knowing where you stood with them or where they stood that was your own fault. If you did not know what they were thinking it was your own fault! If you ever left the house hungry that was most definitely your own fault! It was a house of hospitality that was always open, honest, & generally hysterical. Uncle Sam was always tinkering with something that was fun to help out with or just to watch. The man had more tools than most small governments.

    I will always have fond memories of spending time up there. But I am happiest that Uncle Sam & Aunt Nancy are together again. I am glad they are both at rest and I am looking forward to seeing them again one day.

  • Gulfport Mississippi Mission Trip

    Greetings & Salutations faithful Stapleton Blog Readers.

    Well I have finally got around to posting a report on my mission trip to Gulfport Mississippi. First of all I feel the need to give some background information on how we found our way down to the Gulfport area. Last year about a week after Hurricane Katrina struck our Church which is packed with engineers and medical personnel (so if you need to build something we are there and if we get hurt doing it we have staff on hand) felt compelled to do something to help in the aftermath of Katrina. So our church got in contact with a medical group that was working in the Hurricane area just inside Mississippi. So the Church through generous donations and offerings were able to pack a few trucks and trailers with medical and other supplies. The first group left a little under 2 weeks after Katrina hit. Once our first group got to their destination they were told that no one knew they were coming and that their help was not needed but they knew where they were needed. So the group headed further south into Gulfport, Mississippi not knowing what to expect or what they would find. While the team was driving through Gulfport they came upon St. James Baptist church located just about 4 blocks from the gulf. This church is lead by Pastor Eddie Hartwell and had fashioned itself as a disaster recovery & supply distribution center. So our team stopped there they set up a clinic and those who were not medical personnel started taking care of other needs in the community. Our first team stayed about a week and the following week we sent in another team that did pretty much the same work. We have stayed in contact with Pastor Hartwell since then and learned he had setup a non-profit corporation and had started through donations to rebuild housing in the area. Our Pastor Greg Creasy wrote a grant to the National Baptist Convention to aid in the Disaster Recovery Ministry. So our church and several other churches in West Virginia are sending down several teams this year to aid in the reconstruction, that’s how I ended up in Gulfport Mississippi for a week in May.

    So here’s my part of the story I cannot begin to tell you the destruction and devastation that still exists in the areas where Katrina struck. Things are just now getting to the point where people can begin to rebuild. Communities are still in recovery mode, there was a 38 foot storm surge in the Gulfport area. Houses were literally washed off of their foundation and moved inland. One person, one organization, or one government agency is not going to be enough to help this area recover we all must do our part to take help others make this area livable again. We are better together and can accomplish anything if we all just do a small part to help out. If you are a Christian I ask you to please help in Christian love if you are not a believer in Christ I would ask you to help out of shear human decency. There are still people hurting everyday where Katrina struck. In fact there is one facility called Katrina’s Kitchen that is still serving 1000’s of meal daily, just because this is no longer front page news does not mean the problem has passed. People are trying to help themselves but in many cases they are unable to. Most of the employment centers for the area were along the ocean front and were obliterated. Just a little bit further west of Gulfport there were 2 towns called Wayland & Past Christian. These towns were in the path of the eye wall of the Hurricane and were literally wiped of the face of the earth. They have merged in an attempt to draw people back in and generate enough of a tax base to start rebuilding.

    With all this destruction what did I do to help? First all of I did not go alone I was joined by Pastor Greg Creasy & Lynn Hudson from my church, Ron Alyestock, Pastor Mark Jarrell, & Becky Vandergriff from Genesis Fellowship Church, & Daniel Beiling from Fist Baptist Church of Ravenswood. We went down for a week to work with the St. James Baptist Church Disaster Recovery Ministry. While we were there we helped in finishing out a house and did some other odd and ends. Like I said in an earlier post “Using power tools for the Lord it doesn’t get any better”! We had a good week of fellowship and very tiring work. When I set back and think about all that we did in the grand scheme of things it really did not amount to a hill of beans for what needs to be accomplished in the area. I believe that Mrs. Adkins will love her new home and she will likely not know that I had anything to do with it and that’s ok. This is all about living for the lord and helping his children, hopefully the work that we did that week brought the lord some small amount of glory. One of the hardest things that I had to get over when I became a Christian is that “it’s not about me”. That’s still a hard one that I must work at every day and frankly sometimes I fail miserably. But I get up the next day and try it again. There is one thing that I can be absolutely positive of however. A small group doing their part to aid in the recovery of Katrina made a small difference in a life and if we all try to do that just some of the time, the world could be a much better place.

    Thanks for stopping by to read, that’s the news and I am outta here.

    Link to a write up on the trip.

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