Author: Jake

  • Reflections on 34

    I meant to post this on my Birthday yesterday but Yahoo was having so many problems it had to be delayed.

    As I enter the 34th year of my earthly existence I find myself very tired.  This is the most overworked, burned out, and over burdened I have been at any given point in my life (thus far).  This is due to multiple factors at work, Jess’s Wreck, financial situations, no real vacation for 2 going on 3 years, and the list could go on and on.  If I was doing one or even two things wrong I could correct it but when all the factors start out as a little tiny snow ball at the top of Mount Everest no matter who you are when the snow ball gets to the bottom you are going to get smashed.

    Don’t take me wrong I still love my job it has just been a very demanding year.  You combine that with doing everything possible to assist Jess with her recovery and all the issues resulting from her wreck; it has made for a very long 2008 to this point.  As Jess alluded to in her recent witness on the church website it has been very rough for us this year.  I am not depressed, I am not ungrateful for all the Lord has blessed me with, I am just drained.  The reason was put very plainly to me in the sermon this week at church when I put this passage up on the screen.

    Matthew 11:28-29 (Mes)
    "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on
    religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me
    and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you
    how to take a real rest… Learn the
    unforced rhythms of grace."

    This awesome passage can not only be used for religion but also for all areas of your life. 

    So as I set back once a year to reflect and take an inventory as I often do for personal goal planning (just never published it), I have decided one very important thing. 

    I suck at giving my burdens to the Lord. 

    (Don’t really know if you can use those two words in the same sentence, but it gets my point across)  Sure we all surrender some things to the Lord and some of us surrender nothing but the ones of us who are weighed down with matters of this world are not surrendering enough.  As a very type A+++++ personality with a dash of OCD this is very difficult for me to do.  I generally end up being harder on myself then other people, I always expect more from myself then I do anyone else. 

    So what is the answer?

    • A 12 step recovery plan?
    • A self help book?   
    • Run away from all my troubles?
    • Quit my job and begin following my favorite 80’s band’s around to all the state fairs?

    I say none of the above.

    • How about spending more time in God’s inerrant word The Holy Bible.
    • How about deepening my faith beyond my daily routine.
    • How about stepping outside of my Christian "Comfort Zone"
    • How about surrendering more to the Lord
    • How about working on my Prayer Life (Needs a lot of work)
    • How about taking time in my life to allow God’s never ending Grace to wash over me enough to slow me down a little.

    Once you get this eternity thing worked everything else has got to be gravy. 

    To some this may seem a little too personal to be posted on the Internet, but hey I don’t care.  I cannot be the only one in this world who has let everyday life that has nothing to do with eternity wear them down to a pulp.  This life is not all that there is so why live everyday like it is?

    I am still young, and there are still many more years ahead then there are behind.  (The prior statement is both to the best of my knowledge and statistically speaking)  These are things that I need to change now so that I can really live my life.  So as I tried to develop a personal mission statement for this year, this one immediately came to mind and says it all to me.

    Refocus, Re-Prioritize, and Balance. 

    You are only as old as you feel and right now for me that is not 34.  It’s time to take care of this issue before it takes care of me.

  • Quotes

    “When you get tired you are setting yourself up for temptation.”

    Pastor Greg Creasy Pea Ridge Baptist Church

    For the context you can follow this link to the archive of this weeks service.

  • Happy Father’s Day Dad

    Hard to believe that he’s been gone 19 years this November.  Sad thing is I do not even remember the last Father’s Day that I had with him.  I am sure that beyond a hastily chosen card I did nothing for him.  But then I think remembering a passed father is not about every holiday that you spent with him.  It is about all the times that you remember so vividly that you can describe in every detail.

    For example I can remember riding home with him one night from a Boy Scout meeting.  It was about 8:30 on a summer evening and Dad was listening to the 8-track player in his Black Chrysler New Yorker.  “My Way” by Frank Sinatra was playing and we were passing the corner of 5th Ave & 11st St at what was then the “First National Bank of Huntington” building.  We had the windows down and I was enjoying the cruise through town.

    Why do I remember that so vividly?  What was so special about that moment that it was seared in my memory?  It was when Dad introduced me yet again to the music of Frank Sinatra but I actually paid attention that time.  I remember thinking that this is not too bad, maybe all Dad’s music is not awful.  Today when I listen to my Frank Sinatra music I think of Dad every time.

    It is not always huge events, Holidays, or all the times that you think you should remember that end up being important to you when a parent passes.  It is all the little times that you spent with them that mean nothing right then but yet live with you so vividly forever for one reason or another.

    Happy Father’s Day Dad

    Dad & Me

  • A Memorial Day Thank You

    Thank you American Solider that guarantees my freedom.

    Thank you American Solider that has laid their life down to keep this great nation free.

    Thank you American Solider that has been spat upon, wrongly accused, and disrespected by people that are free only because of your sacrifice.

    Thank you American Solider for standing sentinel around this planet to ensure my freedom.

    American Solider I owe you a debt that I can never repay.  This memorial day I say thank you for all of your sacrifices on my behalf.

  • Quotes

    Some great Ronald Reagan Quotes I ran across recently.


    “Here’s my strategy on the Cold War: We win, they lose.”

    “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”

    “The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.”

    “Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong.”

    “I have wondered at times about what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress.”

    “The taxpayer: That’s someone who works for the federal government but doesn’t have to take the civil service examination.”

    “Government is like a baby: An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.”

    “The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is a government program.”

    “It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned  that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.”

    “Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”

    “Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed, there are many rewards; if you disgrace yourself, you can always write a book.

    “No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is as formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.”


    “If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.’

  • The Strategic Air & Space Museum Visit

    This may bore many of you but I had the best time at the Strategic Air & Space Museum. I will walk through some of the pictures with you in the sideshow below. However after reviewing the pictures I realized I never got a picture of the fully functional flight simulator. This was so great I did it twice. I never really thought I would get to try all those great aerial maneuvers that I’ve studied.

    While in the simulator I performed a Split S, Scissors, L4, and a few others. I must have had that simulator all over the place because there was a crowd looking at me when I exited the simulator. But hey I had a hell of a time!

    Now onto the pictures!

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  • Quotes

    While on the road this week I was able to catch up on a few of my Mars Hill Bible Church Sermons and got a couple of great quotes.


    “To say you don’t believe in miracles is also a leap of faith”

    Rob Bell


    “Every denial is its own form of believe it is just trust in something else.”

    Rob Bell

    Context for the quote above: Rob is speaking of times when someone denies your faith and espouses their own.  It could be another religion, atheism, science, etc.