
  • Perspective on American Exceptionalism Yesterday & Today

    Hat Tip to my cousin for this, I had heard the time frame compared but not the extent of the work.

    “During the 3-1/2 years of World War 2 that started with the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in December 1941 and ended with the Surrender of Germany and Japan in 1945, the U.S. produced; 22 aircraft carriers, 8 battleships, 48 cruisers, 349 destroyers, 420 destroyer escorts, 203 submarines, 34 million tons of merchant ships, 100,000 fighter aircraft, 98,000 bombers, 24,000 transport aircraft, 58,000 training aircraft, 93,000 tanks, 257,000 artillery pieces, 105,000 mortars, 3,000,000 machine guns, and 2,500,000 military trucks.

    We put 16.1 million men in uniform in the various armed services, invaded Africa, invaded Sicily and Italy, won the battle for the Atlantic, planned and executed D-Day, marched across the Pacific and Europe, developed the atomic bomb and ultimately conquered Japan and Germany.

    It’s worth noting, that during almost that same exact amount of time, the Obama administration couldn’t build a functioning web site.

  • The Center of the United States

    So I’m driving through a part of Kansas for work I’ve never been to and run across this sign.


  • An Open Letter to Mark Ely CEO at SimpleTV | Updated

    Mr. Ely,

    I’m writing today to make you aware of the issues I have been experiencing while trying to get my SimpleTV unit setup.  As of the writing of this post I’ve heard nothing from your support staff since my last communication on February 5th, 2014.  At no point in the nearly 50 days since I started this journey have I been able to complete the setup of a SimpleTV unit.

  • International Silly Walk Day 2014

    How did I not know this was a thing? (more…)

  • Thanksgiving 2013

    On this day may you count how truly blessed you are no matter what season of life you are in. On this day may you bring praise to God no matter what storms you are traversing. On this day may you think and be thankful for all those who are not able to be with loved ones today because they are serving others. On this day may you experience all the fullness, gratitude, & joy that life has to offer.

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

  • Chicago August 2013

    This year my company moved our annual conference to Chicago.  It was my first time to actually get to visit the city, prior to this I was only passing through at the airport.

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  • South Dakota Trip

    In July I took a trip through the Black HIlls National Forest area of South Dakota.  It was a great time and some beautiful new parts of the country I had not previously visited.

    Mount Rushmore

    The Bad Lands National Park

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  • Three of the Best Books I Have Read in a Long Time

    I recently have read 3 books by Daniel Suarez and they have been outstanding. The best description that  I can provide for the books is that they are technical thrillers but they are excellent and accessible for non-nerds.  I strongly encourage anyone to check them out.

    Author Site

    This is how I read them, enjoy!