
  • God and My Politics

    While eating lunch on Sunday Jess (my wife) and I were talking about the “Health Care” vote and how abortion was becoming one of the defining issues.  I indicated to her that Congressmen Stupak was holding out a block of votes to get anti-abortion language in the bill.  As it turned out today Stupak did sell his soul tonight for an executive order (nothing in the bill) that has no effect on the law that he would enabled to pass.  All the piece of paper accomplished was to give him and several weak politicians a little bit of cover that will not hide them from the retribution of their voters in the fall.  (But I digress) As the conversation progressed Jess said that she never thought she would hear me being against abortion.  This is an issue that we have never agreed on prior to me coming to Christ.  Then it occurred to me that if you look at politics with a pure political prism or if politics is your religion then your views are remarkably different.  Now that I look at politics as a Christian I now have a different take on several issues.

    For instance as a conservative I find what happened with the Health Care vote despicable.  As a Christian I have peace in my heart that if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior that’s all that matters.  There is not one other thing on this Earth that is as important as accepting Christ.

    As a conservative I am outraged by the fact that in violation of the US Constitution a law was just passed that requires me to buy something.  As a Christian I have peace in my heart that if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior that’s all that matters.  There is not one other thing on this Earth that is as important as accepting Christ.

    As a conservative I am outraged that our representatives voted yes in direct contradiction of at least 55% or their constituents (more than the 51 needed for reconciliation).  As a Christian I have peace in my heart that if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior that’s all that matters.  There is not one other thing on this Earth that is as important as accepting Christ.

    As a conservative I am disappointed that so many people in this country are not engaged in the political process.  As a Christian I have peace in my heart that if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior that’s all that matters.  There is not one other thing on this Earth that is as important as accepting Christ.

    As a conservative I am outraged by the fact that if not repealed my insurance company will be driven out of business.  (How are they supposed to compete with someone who does not have to make a profit and can print money?)  As a Christian I have peace in my heart that if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior that’s all that matters.  There is not one other thing on this Earth that is as important as accepting Christ.

    As a conservative I am outraged by the fact that 219 representatives voted to spend $1,500,000,000,000 dollars of taxpayer money without reading the bill.  As a Christian I have peace in my heart that if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior that’s all that matters.  There is not one other thing on this Earth that is as important as accepting Christ.

    I think you get my drift.

    My politics have always been conservative and a large defining part of my life and identity.  At every point in my life up till now I would have described myself as an American first and foremost above all other things.  But all that has been pushed aside by becoming a Christian.  It is a huge change that has occurred and one that really just occurred to me today.  I will always be passionate about my politics, but now I just see that larger picture.

    So tonight even though things did not go my way politically I will still say a prayer and have peace when I sleep.  For I know that all things on Earth happen in accordance with God’s plan even though it may not be my plan.

    Father God

    Please forgive me where I have failed and trespassed against you this day.  Thank you for allowing me to be born in the most amazing, free, and blessed country on your Earth.  As a Christian first I want your will to be done in all things.  Please give me the discernment to know when to fight, to know when to pray, and the continued opportunity to share you with the world.

    It is in your son’s precious name I pray Amen.

  • A little trouble getting in the Spirit

    I have to admit that this year I have had trouble getting in the Christmas Spirit. Not with the true meaning and spirit of Christmas the birth of Christ but just with I guess the secular Christmas stuff you might say? I am having trouble expressing this thought so before I twist this around to where no one can understand it let me just say it this way

    The birth of Christ our savior I am good with.
    The spirit of giving this time of year I am good with.
    Everything else large and small in between I am just kind of blahhhh.

    I can’t really explain why I have been blah this Christmas.  The blessings that my family and I have received this year are truly too numerous to count.  Maybe I am just tired and really need the next 13 days that I have planned off we’ll see.  (but back to the point of the post)

    Then we get to today, when I received the video below in an email today from a friend.  It just made me smile and just kicked me out of my Christmas Blah.

    So if you are experiencing the Christmas Blah this year I hope it does the same for you.

    Thanks Kathy Smith for yanking me out of the Christmas Blah.

  • A surprise in a Christmas Card

    While opening the mail today I received a little surprise. In the Christmas Card from my Uncle Phillip and Aunt Delores they stuck in this old picture.

    Me & Trigger 1981

    I can not tell you the last time that I thought about Trigger the horse in the picture. He was kept on my grandfather’s Farm in Jackson County.

    Thanks for the old memories and bringing a random smile to my face today.

  • Today is 3 years

    Yep its hard to believe that three years ago today we moved into what was then our “new house”.  Since then we have remodeled the entire house finishing up the inside during my vacation in October of last year.  Which was not all that bad when you think about all the days I have been on the road.  Technically we have been in the house 1095 days and of those days I have spent about 225 nights on the road.  So if you do the math I have been gone 20% of the time that we have owned the house (29% of the time if you just count business days).

    Enough math now the important bit.  Like any good homeowner I have before and after pictures showing all the work.  Sure I could just post the pics but a movie is always better enjoy!

  • Changes to the Jake Stapleton Web Dynasty

    I will no longer be posting to my FriendFeed account.  The service rocks but with it recently being purchased by Facebook it just reminded me that I am relying on a service to archive my web content that I really have no control over.  So I am going to begin using twitter and my own WordPress implementations to archive and distribute content myself. (with a little help from twitter)

    My personal web page can be found as always at with my personal twitter account being backed up there once a week in the form of a post.

    My more opinionated content can be found at a more recently launched site so that can remain for personal use and updates only.  (There is also a link to the Jake’s opinion content in the sidebar of

    I also have a twitter account just for my more opinionated web content it can be found at this twitter account will be backed up daily in the form of a post at and will replace the recent “things you outta know” postings. (Really enjoyed doing them just too many time constraints) This should enable me to get more content out in a timely fashion with my busy schedule.

    Many of you may think that this is just silly to do all this.  However I also know that many of you read my links and articles and use them as a source of news and maybe on some rare occasions insights and I would like to keep that up.  Plus with the things going on today the more informed you are the better off you will be.

    I am still debating on continuing to use twitter to update my facebook status but time will tell on that one.  Some much information to share and so little time to do it in.

    Yes I know I really should be working on other things like stuff that actually earns me a living but I do find this relaxing.  Everyone have a great week.

    You can see everywhere I am on the web here.

  • Panoramic of the Cooper River Bridge in Charleston, SC

    This was taken from the flight deck of the USS Yorktown.



    Below is a link to the photo saved off as a panoramic shot using Windows Live Photo Gallery.  This is after all 6 pictures were stitched together.  (Tip to anyone trying this again us a tripod to keep all your shots level)

    Click on this link to see the full size picture be patient while it is loading its a large file.

  • Thank You Bob

    I suddenly find myself setting in my Ohio hotel room having just got in from working and unable to attend Mr. Tweel’s visitation struck with a loss for words.  So many moving messages have been written about him in the past few weeks that I think "what possibly could I have to add?"  Then I find myself thinking only two words over and over.

    "Thank You"

    Thank You Mr. Tweel for being a mentor to me and so many hundreds of students over your teaching career.

    Thank You for being the "fun" teacher but also for jerking a knot in my tail when needed.

    Thank You for providing an atmosphere of comradery and trust that fostered so many friendships that still exist today.

    Thank You for your patriotism and love of this country that poured out of you and rubbed off on your students.

    Thank You for being refreshingly honest no matter who was around to hear it.

    Thank You for taking us on bands trips during your "week off" every spring.

    Thank You for the support and kindness you showed my family when we lost my father.

    Thank You for not pressing charges or otherwise harming me & an unnamed accomplice when you found out about that whole joy riding in your Blazer thing.  (Although you were more than slightly irritated I would have to say.)

    Thank You for pushing me to do better no matter what I was attempting.

    Thank You for being there all those years ago.

    Even though it has been 17 years since I left your Band Room and many days I feel like I have lived another life since then.  Those years will hold some of the fondest, warmest, and meaningful memories that I will always cherish

    Bob when I think of you I cannot picture you any other way than with that mischievous smile that often graced your face and I am sure that’s the way you will look when I see you again someday.