
  • An Animated History of Aviation

    Many of you know of my love for all things aviation if so you’ll realize why I liked this animation so much.

  • Palo Duro Canyon

    As some of you know I was in Amarillo, TX last week for some work meetings.  Due to flight times and other factors I ended up staying over Friday and had some rare time off while I was out of town.

    So I took the opportunity to drive out to Palo Duro Canyon state park.  This canyon is the second largest in the world, the only one bigger is of course the Grand Canyon (now I’ve seen them both).  Palo Duro is much different because you can drive down into and a long way through the canyon.  It is however equally beautiful in its own way.

    Hope you enjoy the photos.


  • Annoucing StapletonFamily.US

    Greetings and Salutations Faithful Stapleton Blog Readers!

    Just wanted to publish a quick post and let you know that the Jake Stapleton web dynasty has split again.

    As of today all the “Family postings” have been exported out of and imported into, this site will now become the central repository of all the Stapleton family updates. will now revert back to content that he deems worthy to publish, however Jake’s political opinions will still reside at

    So please make note in the browser of your choice and happy reading!

  • Think of your Income As Property

    “The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the law of God and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.” John Adams

    This premise was put forth to me today and I found it immensely thought provoking.  Why not think of your income as property?  What makes you more upset; when someone takes money your never tangibly see or takes a room of your home and gives it to someone else.

    When politicians in Washington take your property weather it’s money or tangible goods and gives it to someone else that’s wrong!   I have no problem doing my fair share to fund the legitimate needs of this county.  But don’t take my hard earned income and give it to someone else for an Earned Income Tax Credit, 99 weeks of unemployment, or any other kind of government handout to able bodied people.  Your property (hard earned money) is taken from you constantly to fund items that you have no control over while elected officials are never held accountable and they certainly never have to do with less.

    Please do your part to let your elected officials know they will be held accountable no matter what party affiliation they claim.

    The unique liberties that our country offers are being taken away piece by piece.  This has to be stopped now!  Say no farther!

    We are Americans blessed by God to have born in the most exceptional country he has ever blessed this earth with and I believe it’s worth fighting for!

    The coming days ahead will be a turning point for this country.  Keep it as the founders intended or go further down the path of a socialist pseudo democracy.

    The choice is yours.

  • AppleTV 2nd Gen – Updated 12-20-11

    There are 3 pieces of tech that will be pried from my cold dead hands my Drobo, my iPhone and my AppleTV; and there’s a new AppleTV.


  • Apparently I Have Always Been A Male Model

    I arrived home this week from my business travels to a birthday card from my sister Nancy.  Apparently she picked it up back in February and had been holding it every since.  The picture on the front of the card caught her eye (for obvious reasons) and she knew it was the card for me.

    The card has further bolstered the notion that I should pursue one of my dreams to be a male model.  I can just see the ad campaign now, a picture of me, a little Barry White in the back ground, and underwear with a cape.

    The Birthday Card

    And a picture of me and Dad circa 1979 or 1980

  • Senator Byrd Federal Money can’t and didn’t solve everything

    The quotations below are from the WSJ Opinion Piece by Brian Bolduc.

    Senator Byrd thank you for your service to this state.  Even though I disagreed with almost everyone of your political stances I have to believe that your heart was in the right place when it came to WV.  However the billions of dollars in Federal Money that you sent to this state only allowed it to sink deeper into poverty while allowing some mistakenly to believe that progress was being made.

    The state now has to maintain a sea of asphalt and concrete that our tax base will never in the near future be able to support.  We now have to maintain large buildings and facilities that we never should have been able to build.  WV has been the beneficiary or victim depending upon your view of wealth redistribution.  You funneled money from other states to your own and allowed every single item to bear your name.  Yet all this money did nothing.

    When Byrd became senator in 1959, West Virginia ranked No. 39 in median family income, and No. 42 in per capita income. Today, it’s No. 48 in both categories.

    Your continuous flow of money allowed WV the luxury of not having to make the hard choices that needed to be made.  It allowed the budget to be balanced every year and hard choices to be continually put off.  Almost every single bit of “advancement” that came as a result of your work was just more federal money being brought into the state.  We have jails, the FBI center, large hospitals, but very little of the enormous amount of money that you robbed from other states created private investment.  For decades WV has needed to make changes to its tax structure and business climate that would spur private sector growth.  But we never did; the state just allowed Big Daddy to continue to write checks for money that was not his.

    51.3% of the state’s economy relies on spending by the local, state and federal government—the highest level of any state. “We’ve created this culture of dependency,” warns Mr. Sobel, “Our human capital is not good at competing in the marketplace; it’s good at securing federal grants.”

    I am both happy and sad at the days that are to come for my beloved state of WV.  I am happy that maybe finally the elected officials will be made to force changes that will hopefully allow the state to grow.  I am sad that it has to be done in such a compressed time frame.  With only about 20 to 30 years of coal excise taxes left we have less than a generation to make changes that could have started in the 60’s and 70’s.  WV’s workforce is strong and dedicated but they lack the opportunity to work and fulfill their potential. Until the business climate in WV is improved its economic status will continue to deteriorate.


    An economy that grows because of government spending and not private sector investment is nothing more than redistribution of wealth.  The faucet has now been turned off its time for WV to make the hard choices.                  Jake Stapleton 07-10-10

  • One Name of Valor That Spans Generations

    Today is Memorial Day here in the United States.  Often the true meaning of this holiday is overlooked and treated as nothing more than a three day weekend.  Memorial Day is a day that we should take time to honor those men and women who died to bring us the freedom that we enjoy today.  Here is just one example

    Samuel B. Roberts 
